Professor T. Agatsuma gave lecuter on "Pragonimus and Pragonimiasis in India." The field study performed in Assam region in India revealed high prevalence of the parasite especially among young population in the area. It seemed intake of raw crab meat causes infection of the parasite and young children seemed to play around in the river nearby, catch the crabs with metacercaria and get infected. Pulmonary pragonimiasis seemed to be misdiagnosed as tuberculosis, which is also prevalent in the area and share the symptom of hemoptysis. Pragonimiasis is 100 % curable with prazyquantel.
The other topic today was "the 3 generation medical check-up" that has been performed in Saga region, Koroshio-cho, Kochi. Our department is co-organizing with Orthopedic department the community health programme for the elder inhabitants in the area with the help of school children in the same area. We are going to add "peer education" driven by Kochi Medical School students to give health education to the school children.
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